Visit details

Here is the overall UI for the Visit details screen:

Visit Details Tabs

Visit Details consists of the following tabs:

  • Details

  • Report

  • Action Points

  • Related Documents

Description of these tabs can be found below (click on each tab below to open the detailed information about each Visit Details tab):

Here is the overall UI for the Details tab:

This tab can be edited by PME user in accordance with the corresponding user rights.

This section consists of two sections:

  • Visit Information

  • Site Visit Schedule

Visit Information section

Here is the overall UI of this section:

This section is editable when the status of visit is "Draft"

In this section user can see the information about Visit reference number, TPM Name and Dates of Visit. User can assign Visit to the TPM Focal Points using the corresponding drop=down list and write any comments regarding the Visit.

Site Visit Schedule section

New Task for Visit can be added via "+" button in the upper right-hand corner of the section:

The following window is opened after the user clicks on the "+" button:

Each row can be expanded using the arrow in order to quickly see Task details:

Each Task can be edited or deleted via the "Edit" or "Delete" buttons correspondingly ("Edit" and "Delete" buttons appear after user hover the mouse over the particular line from the Site Visit Schedule list):

There is an additional option for duplicating the task at the end of each row behind the "Edit" button ("Duplicate" button appears after user hover the mouse over the particular line from the Site Visit Schedule list):

This section is editable when the status of visit is "Draft".

Status panel

See the detailed information of the possible statuses and actions here.

Visit Letter option (available for TPM Focal Point)

The TPM Focal Point is able to download the Visit Letter with general information about the Visit.

Download is accessible by clicking the "Visit Letter" button in the upper right-hand corner of the Visit Details screen.

Here is the example of the Visit Letter:

The Visit Letter option is available for TPM Focal Point user after the Visit was accepted.

Last updated