Glossary / Terminology
Action point (AP) - is a task that created and assigned to some individual and aimed to ensure a user can generate follow-up on the particular action which is attributed to a specific module (Third Party Monitoring Module, Financial Assurance Module, Trip Management Module and Field Monitoring) or not associated with any of eTools Modules (Action Point Dashboard).
CP output - Country Programme Output
CSO - Civil Society Organization
IP (Implementing Partner) - a CSO that receives resources from UNICEF for the implementation of a programme document or small-scale funding agreement.
PME - is a staff member of UNICEF or individual consultant who has an edit capabilities to the Third Party Monitoring Portal and can create a TPM visit.
PD-SSFA - Programme Division/Small-Scale Funding Agreement
TPM - Third Party Monitoring
TPM Focal point - Non UNICEF user who conducts TPM visits on behalf of UNICEF.
UI - user interface
UNICEF Focal Point - UNICEF Staff member or individual consultant that is Focal Point for the Partnership such as the Chief of Section/Programme Officer/National Officer.
UNICEF User - is a staff member or individual consultant who has a view-only capability to the Third Party Monitoring Portal but cannot create a TPM visit.
VISION - external database, managed by UNICEF.
Vendor number - is a number related to the particular TPM Organization and which is used to export vendor information from VISION.
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