
The "Draft" status appears after the PME adds new Visit via the "Add New Visit" button. See more information about adding new Visit here.

Click on each tab below to open the detailed information about available options for the Visit in "Draft" status in accordance with the user role:

Here is the overall UI for the Visit in "Draft" status for PME:

Available options

There is a split button "Save" at the bottom of the status panel.

Clicking the arrow on the button opens the additional options "Assign" and "Cancel Visit":

Editing and Saving changes

Visit in the "Draft" status can be edited by PME. See more details on user rights in the user rights article.

The user can Save changes by clicking the "Save" button.


Clicking "Assign" button moves user to the screen for Visit in the "Assigned" status.

Email notifications

The following email notifications are sent to the TPM Focal point and corresponding Third Party Monitor after the Visit was assigned:

Similar email notifications are sent after PME re-assigns the Visit in "TPM Rejected" status.

See more details about email notification flow here.


Clicking "Cancel Visit" option takes user to the following modal window where the user has to write the cancellation reason:

The screen for Visit in "Cancelled" status is opened after clicking "Continue" button in the modal window.

Last updated