Action Points Dashboard Navigation

There are 4 ways of how user can get to the APD.

User can switch to the APD by selecting “Action Points” module icon:

2) via the "Dashboards" module (adding new AP)

2. Then user needs to click the "Add Action Point" button:

3) via the other modules

In other modules user should open AP details of the AP which is created in the corresponding module .


  • Via the TPM: "List of Visits" section - "Action Points" section for TPM Reported and UNICEF Approved visits - clicking the reference number for particular row with AP;

  • Via the FAM: "Follow-up" section for Final Report engagements - clicking the reference number for particular row in the UNICEF Follow-Up Actions list

See the detailed information about the connections to other modules here.

User can access the APD via the link in the email to a particular AP that is assigned to him.

Last updated