Modification of Action Point

Here is the overall user interface for the created AP:

Each created AP has the reference number, which can be found in the top left corner of the screen, right under the header.

Also, new section called "Actions Taken" appears under the APs Details. This section is required. The user has to fill in at least one Action Taken in order to be able to complete the AP.

"Save" button with the additional option for completion is displayed at the bottom of the status panel.

Created AP can be modified, viewed and completed by users with the corresponding permissions.

Actions Taken

User can add Actions Taken using the "+" button in the corresponding section:

After user clicks on this button, new modal window will appear, where user can write comments about the actions, that were taken in order to fulfill the AP requirements:

APs created in other modules

The APs Details screen for the APs that were created in other modules has some differences:

  • The corresponding name of module is displayed in the Related app field;

  • Related Document field includes link to the task, associated with the AP.

For AP created in action points dashboard, Related Document field will be empty.

Last updated