Glossary / Terminology

  • AP (Action Point) - is a task that created and assigned to some individual and aimed to ensure a user can generate follow-up on the particular action which is attributed to a specific module (Third Party Monitoring Module, Financial Assurance Module, Trip Management Module and Field Monitoring) or not associated with any of eTools Modules (Action Point Dashboard).

  • APD - Action Points Dashboars

  • Actions Taken - specific actions performed to fulfill the AP requirements.

  • Assignee - a person who is responsible for completion of the AP.

  • CO - Country Office

  • CP output - Country Programme Output

  • CSO - Civil Society Organization

  • IP (Implementing Partner) - a CSO that receives resources from UNICEF for the implementation of a programme document or small-scale funding agreement.

  • FAM - Financial Assurance Module

  • FM - Field Monitoring

  • PD/SSFA - Programme Division/Small-Scale Funding Agreement

  • PD (Programme Division) - is similar to sharing documents as attachments - the purpose is to share specific part of a PD in eTools as there are sometimes some restrictions in COs, such as not sharing the budget or so... so we could imagine only sharing the PD supply plan at that stage, the basic elements, the logical framework/indicators.

  • PME - is a staff member of UNICEF or individual consultant who has an edit capabilities to the TPM Portal and can create a TPM visit as well as action points. This user also has super-user access in the action point module to edit any action point not assigned to them.

  • SSFA (Small-Scale Funding Agreement) is used to provide cash transfers to a civil society organisation (“CSO”) for activities within a UNICEF country programme that build the CSO’s capacity to be an effective implementing partner of UNICEF’s for this country programme cycle; Government counterparts and other CSOs could also participate in those activities.

  • Supervisor (Trip Management) - Supervisor role is assigned to staff responsible for authorizing Trip Requests. Based on the structure of the office, organogramme and/or table of authority, this role is assigned to a staff member who is required to monitor the performance of other staff members directly reporting to him/her.

  • T2F - Travel to field

  • TBD - To be done

  • TPM - Third Party Monitoring

  • Travel Administrator (Trip Management) - Travel Administrator role is assigned to a staff member who creates Trips on behalf of someone else, for example Programme Assistants and Admin/ Operations Assistants. This role should be given to support staff who are creating Trip Requests on behalf of others, liaising with Administration /Travel/Transport units on logistics for Trips, and assisting in processing travel claims.

  • UI - user interface

  • UNICEF Focal Point (FAM) - is a staff member who can create an engagement and action point with the Financial Assurance Module.

  • UNICEF Focal Point (TPM) - UNICEF Staff member or individual consultant that is Focal Point for the Partnership such as the Chief of Section/Programme Officer/National Officer.

  • UNICEF User (FAM) - is a staff member or individual consultant who has a view-only capability to the Financial Assurance Module but cannot create an engagement.

  • UNICEF USER (TPM) - is a staff member or individual consultant who has a view-only capability to the Third Party Monitoring Portal but cannot create a TPM visit.

  • UNICEF User FM (TBD) - is a staff member or individual consultant who can use the Field Monitoring Module from planning through to data collection and analysis.

  • UNICEF User/Traveller (TPM) - is a staff member or individual consultant planning and conducting a Trip. Traveller’s role is to create and manage TAs in eTools and submit to Supervisor for approval. Following the Trip, the Traveller is responsible for certifying and reporting (as applicable) on the Trip.

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