Development Setup

Local Setup

  1. Install Docker CE for your OS. Also install Fabric via pip install fabric

  2. Create .env file with the reference of.env.exampleor receive .env file from your team member.

  3. Runfab up

  4. Go to to see the frontend / polymer running. The Django app is running under

  5. Login to backend using fab ssh:backedand create admin with python createsuperuser

  6. Go to login with your credentials.

  7. Important! User created with superuser command will not be assosiated with any country, so frontend will fail. You need to assign the country manually in the admin panel from user edit page.

  8. And can now go to ​ to see the frontend interface.

Helpful Commands

Here are some docker tips:

display all containers:

$ docker ps

ssh into running django_api container

$ fab ssh:backend

stop all containers

$ fab stop_docker_containers

cleanup docker system: remove all inactive containers

$ docker system prune

Last updated