Data Model

Main entity of Financial Assurance module is Engagement. It can be one of four types: Audit, SpecialAudit, SpotCheck, MicroAssessment. Each of them has own special fields & related models. They are stored inside tenants and doesn't share across the countries.

Main part of the data contains in the base Engagement model. In addition to the connected models, Risks are used to store the Questionnaire, their structure is shown below. They describe answers to the questions (RiskBluePrint) from the Questionnaire. Questions can be grouped using the categories (RiskCategory). Category has link to self, so they are organized to the tree.

Risks are also used in audit to store key weaknesses, they are flexible enough to store question-like structures.

Global models are base and can be shared across countries, namely partners & purchase orders. Tenant models are Engagement with its subclasses and all models that relate to it.

Engagements are mapped to the Purchase Orders. They were placed into single application because they are global and should be available from any country.

Purchase Orders are linked to the Audit Firms, with their members.

Full models structure is shown on the scheme below:

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